Friday, July 07, 2006

Eagerly Awaiting Rain...

... And preferably, thunder!

It's too damned hot to form a coherent thought, not to mention saying it or even typing it.

It's been hot and humid for the last couple of weeks, now. It was so bad, Sunday night, I couldn't sleep at all. Needless to say, I was anything but coherent at work on Monday. Monday night, my mother fed me one of her sleeping pills...

... I don't remember getting out of bed to start the coffee machine, I don't remember turning my alarm clock off and I sure as Hades doesn't remember turning my cellphone alarm off. Yep, I overslept! I got in to work an hour late, my Teamleader took one look at me, and said; 'No phones for you today!'

I spent all day Tuesday in a daze. Oversleeping is bad enough, throws me completely off track. Add to that, the lingering effects of the sleeping pill... I'm not much for medicated sleep. Non-prescription painkillers are enough to make me drowsy. A trip to the dentist, with work done... I'll sleep for a couple of hours due to the tranqs. I don't do well with medications, I usually opt to stay away from them. But there is no way my dentist gets anywhere close to me with the drill without a shot of novocain!

Weather has been a little easier today, windy, even. I'm not complaining, though. I like it! Might see some rain during the night or tomorrow, one can only hope! I plan to get out on the balcony and dance in it, if I'm awake for it! Too much wind for thunder, though. I'd love a good, loud thunderstorm about now. Makes the air all clean and fresh and smelling really good.

Yes. I have been wearing my new sneakers, and let me tell ya, they're even nicer to wear, than what they look. And they do look good, Kiri said so! She'll be hunting for a pair like them, herself. I'm not buying them for her, here... Postage to send them to her would be too painful on my wallet!

Four weeks to go, until vacation time again... Three weeks, this time. I can hardly wait! Should probably try to plan something, but the heat and humidity has melted most of my brain!

Later 'Gator!


Blogger Raina Nathair said...

No, no... I'm new shoes shopping here for myself. Shipping from there to here would be ungodly. Although I did have a guy flirting with me because he liked my sneakers... the torn up, abused ones I'm "illegally" wearing in the office today rather than switching over to my office dress shoes. They are blueberrys and cream colored with black zig-zagging Velcro straps...

First time that my shoes got me flirted with. Usually it's my smart-ass comments. Why do men dig a girl with a comeback or a smart-ass comment now and again?

10:58 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

That's because they want to be the one that manages to 'shut her up'.

I know the postal rates would be ungodly, just saying... if they weren't, I'd get your size and send them to you!

Other than that... Enjoy your weekend, sweetie. You've earned it!

11:06 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...


::burns another layer of rubber off the soles of her battered ol' sneakers racing out of the office::

Freedom! Sweet freedom! Two whole days of freedom!

::dark, moody music::

But Monday is... ::dun dun DUN:: D-day.

11:11 PM  

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