Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh Happy Day!!!

Yay! Not only do I have a long weekend, what with Easter and all, Kiri is back!!!
::Does another happy dance as The Empress looks on... unimpressed::

My new keyboard arrived last Saturday, along with my new cellphone. Way earlier than I expected either. So, more joy. And the real kind, not the kind Kiri's harping on about... The kind that's, y'know, not?

I need to snap off some more pictures with this new phone, 5 mega pixels as opposed to the 3,2, that the old phone gave me.

Gonna let Kiri explain herself on her own blog, about the absence and all. Seeing as she only gives cliff notes when prodded.

I had to go the way of Yahoo messenger to get her back, though. Something I had chosen not to install on this computer, what with having Live Messenger and AIM loaded. But alas, it was Yahoo or no joy. I chose the joy part.

Ylva have come back down from her refuge on top of my wardrobe, where she enjoys some quality time with my various bags, boots and shoes. Now she's trying to tell me how to type... sheesh.

Keeping a close watch on her domain from her vantage point atop the wardrobe-tower.

I keep having to swat her grubby little paws away from the keyboard. Seems she's miffed it's not completely covered in her fur yet.

Today has been a day of complete relaxation, tomorrow there are plans for a trip with my friend. We're heading out on a shopping trip to Sweden, again. We always have a terrific time when we do.

Kiri tells me (quite proudly) that she's made not just one, but two entries on her blog. So I should just stress down and quit bugging her about it. Gonna have to go have a look-see, so I'll wind this babblefest up right now.


Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Yvla? Toss me a pair of those shoes, eh? No, no, yes... those, thanks. Nice. Think I'll keep them.


Nice to be so appreciated.

5:34 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

More boots than shoes, though... And even more bags... Which pair were you after again? Want the bag that goes with 'em?

5:46 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

LOL - Yes. The Yvla fur-covered Black bag and the matching boots would be lovely.

5:47 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

The boots aren't up there, I've got them in a storage room that the Empress doesn't have the keys for. you're in luck! Nice and pointy, too...

6:01 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Whoo-hoo. Pointy. I like.

6:28 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Thought you might. Personally, I prefer the rounded toe... But as you do get a kick out of... ehem... Kicking... y'know... Do I really have to come out and say it? Mitkas? Huh? Think Stargate... Jaffa speak for something we all have...

9:12 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

LOL - You earned geek points for the Stargate SG1 reference. I see why we get along so well. ::snickers::

And lately, I'll kick anything that isn't actively being protected.

Nearly kicked a cop after the five-car accident I was in. Stupid *&(%%^*& cop, it was raining! I had a bad cold! I was wearing a SWEATER! He made my a$$ stand out in the cold a$$ rain for 1.5 hours! I was sick for two weeks!

::walks off kicking the furniture while cursing that cop::

9:26 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

I'd be kicking and cursing too... then I'd get arrested for assault on an officer, cause I wouldn't wait till I got home...

9:39 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

LOL - I was too sick to take him on. After 1.5 hours, he "let" us sit in our cars until he was done. I was shivering under a blanket in the front seat with the heater blasting.

9:52 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

I would've sued his ass for compensation for lost work/pay due to illness contracted due to his inability to realize that prolonged exposure to rain, wind and cold is bad for your health. You lost two weeks worth of pay, due to his idiocy! Oh yeah. I would've been arrested for sure, cause I would not take that quietly...

10:01 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

My mother had been driving, so she was there. I tend to try and keep my language clean in front of her. Plus, when I'd start to wind up for a fit, she'd step in and calm me down. She was the person who got him to let us sit in the cars again. If not, I'd have been out in that near freezing drizzle for another 30 minutes. Bleck!

Went home, took a long hot shower, and went straight to bed. Called out sick while I was waiting for the cop to get his paperwork done. Had to call the boss with nearly no voice and try to explain that we'd had a five-car accident, we were okay, the car was barely drivable, and I was going to be out sick tomorrow because of being stuck out in the rain.

Got paid for it. Nice. Plus, I hadn't had my voice for two days leading into this, had barely gotten a hint of it back and then lost it for three more days.

The whole office was sick, before and after this... It was a nightmare. Hack, hack, cough, sneeze, honk!!!! All day long.

10:13 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Sounds like our team this winter. Been a cold and wet one, so everyone's been coughing and sneezing up storms...

10:22 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Yes, unusually warm winter. No serious snow. A few ice storms. Mostly, just a few intense days here and there of seriously cold wind and rain. Cut right through whatever you were wearing.

Plus, the office is an icebox pretty much year-round.

Everyone is healthy now... maybe a cough here or there...

10:25 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

The call center is, thankfully, warm and nice in the winter... It's an icebox in the summer, though. we have to go outside to warm up and defrost our fingers...

10:27 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

I remember last summer I needed a space heater near my desk. ::listens to it running under her desk right now:: Middle of the summer... a space heater... ::rolls eyes::

Anyway... Oh, I gotta order everyone's lunch for Monday.... Cr@p, I gotta go order from B!tter$weet. I hate eating their sandwiches every Monday. Gag! But I can't change without the CFO's approval and she's tight with the money sometimes. Gah!

10:31 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Bring your own Monday and skip whatever sandwich they bring for you.

10:38 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Er... Company paid for free food? I usually grab a little something to supplement the sandwich, like soup. But free food is free food. LOL

I sound like a starving college student. LOL

10:40 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Nah, you're right. Free food id free food, and you have other expenses to take care of. A penny here and a penny there...

10:59 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Right, is a penny I have to spend on something else.

11:04 PM  

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