Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My weekend... and then some!

Friday evening;

Well, so far, it looks like my weekend took a downslide. Why? Seems my ADSL modem has decided to wimp out on me.

When I got home from work around 6 pm, my Internet connection was down. ‘Limited connect ability’ is what the error message said. I rebooted, and for half an hour or so, I was back online. Then it lost connection again. Three reboots later, I called my ISP. Twenty minutes waiting later, ‘Nope! Nothing wrong with your line as far as I can see. Most probably, it’s your modem that’s shot.’ ‘But, but… I just a got new farkin’ modem a little while back?’ ‘Hmmm… Still, I’ll run a full line check to be sure… Nope, still nothing wrong with your line. I say you’ve got yourself an unstable modem.’

Funny part is, we were talking about these things after my modem decided to connect again, I knew, he knew, but still. We went through everything seeing as my connection shouldn’t have failed at all. When did it come back? Just as I got through to customer support ;o)

I told him that, but then I also wanted to know if the service was unstable, that’s how we got into the whole unstable modem conversation.

One and a half hour later (after customer support had closed). It went down again and has stayed that way ever since! It’s a little after midnight now.

I’ll keep an eye on it during the weekend. If it’s not back up and stable for more than an hour, I’ll take the modem with me to work on Monday and get a new one. I do have one advantage working for the cell division at my ISP. I can grab a modem while at work, not having to wait a whole week for the darn thing.

Tomorrow, my brother is stopping by to get some work done for me. Two bookshelves are going up in my bedroom. One two shelved thing goes above the foot end of the bed; the other is a three shelved corner thing. It’s going up in the corner above the head of the bed, beside the window.

That’ll be the first time my brother meets the kitten, too. This will be interesting. My brother does like animals. He won’t have any pets of his own, but other people’s pets treat him like a new favorite toy. They adopt him, almost making their owners jealous with the affection they lavish on his poor person. Ylva loves company; she adores visitors… Well, of course, they’re there to see her, right? Of course they are!

I’m typing out my blogentry in a Word document while being cut off from the net.


No Internet! :o(

Sent my brother a text message asking if he still had his ADSL modem. He’s not been able to get ADSL where he lives now, but he still had it. Could I borrow it? Sure! He’d bring it when he came over to get the shelves up.
He showed, sans modem, of course. That was at home, on the hall table right next to his copy of my apartment key!

He did bring our mother along on the ride, however, and she ended up giving me the biggest surprise of my life, not kidding!

She tolerated the cat. She hates cats; they give her a major wiggins! But she wasn’t too bad around Ylva. My mom was a little fascinated by how Ylva would play ‘fetch’. I’d throw a ball, and she’d go get it and bring it back to me so I could throw it again. She loves this game.

About an hour after they arrived, she told me that my sister and nephew (big sis’s son) were coming to visit for Christmas. Oh, and I’d have to bring the cat. There’s no way she can be all alone while you’re at my place spending the night, and all… I was floored! The woman whom has spent her entire life hating cats, were inviting Ylva to come spend Christmas??? Yep, that’s what she said, wasn’t it?

She didn’t want Ylva too close, though. She got up on the armrest on the recliner my mom had parked her ass in, and got shoved off in a hurry…

Well, the shelves came up, but my brother forgot about the wall lamp. Oh well, I’ll give him a yell about that one too, in time.


Picked up my mom and took her across the border to get some shopping done. We live about half an hour away from the border to Sweden, and they’ve got way cheaper prices on just about everything.

We did our shopping and headed home, stopping at my place to unload my stuff before heading to her place.

'Does she have water?'
'Yes, mom. She’s got plenty of water.'
'Does she have food?'
'Yes, mom. Plenty of food, look.'
'Oh, okay.'

She, of course being Ylva. ;o) My mom seems to be starting to care about the little wonderkitten.

My brother was at my moms place when we got there, and he’d brought the modem.

After dinner and being sociable for a little while, I grabbed the modem and headed home.

The modem? Didn’t work! I plugged mine back in, and for some strange reason, I have no idea how this happened, I was online again. Wow…


Didn’t bother with the modem, hell everything’s okay now.

Had another dull day at work, stopped on my way home for some shopping. Got home only to discover that the cat had had a blast on the sofa table. My lovely new candles were broken as she’d managed to shove everything off of the table. I was not happy.

Getting in front of the computer, I discovered a new episode of my favorite TV show was available for download. This show isn’t aired in Norway, so this is my only means of following it. It was downloaded in a hurry, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.

And then, suddenly at 8:30 pm, the connection was gone again. Screw this; I’m taking the modem to work with me, tomorrow. And I’m planning on pestering one of the guys to help me check what else could be wrong. I’ve had it! I was in the middle of a really good story over at Twisting The Hellmouth, too… ::Sighs:: I kinda like going there. I’m not registered as I don’t write fanfiction, but I do love to read it, and they have some awesome talents posting over there.

Getting late here, so I’ll just turn everything off and head off to bed. I’m bummed, is what I am!


Well, got a new modem… so far, so good… So what? (Sorry, couldn’t help a tiny little Megadeth reference there.)

Finished the story, and got into another one. I keep doing that, but there are so many good stories to follow!

Tomorrow, I’ll be getting another dose of heaven, courtesy of my friend Kari-Anne, the massage therapist.

I’m in the process of sneezing my head off, but you probably didn’t need to know that. Fine cat hairs are everywhere, and I think one of ‘em got up my nose and is busy tickling me… as Ylva herself is way too busy snoozing on the couch, to do the deed herself.

Still not heard anything but crickets from Kiri’s general direction. What the heck is she doing, that gives her no time to gossip with a bored Witchy?

I’ll just hurry up and post this, before my connection decides to go belly-up on me again. No, I really don’t trust my connection or my modem at the moment… And besides, this post has gotten lengthy enough as it is. Bye for now.


Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Blame my boss and an over-eager salesman who thriple-booked my available hours on time-sensitive projects. Yep, I must be a Time Lord, because he thought that I could do 3 40-hr. projects in 1 week.

I'm not kidding. I had two 40-hr projects that I was somehow managing to juggle. Then he throws a new one in... er... hello? Earth to moron. How the heck am I supposed to add another project to my already overbooked a$$?

Anyway, I'm taking work home with me. Having NO WEEKEND at all, just me in front of the office laptop I have for my work, modem offline as I don't have an ISP yet, (See my site later about this.) and sick as hell.

Yep, stupid jerk overbooks me and then gives me the flu. I'm only now feeling normal-ish. Ack, more work to do. Bye!

6:17 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Yay! You found the time to check in here too. Now to get your own blog updated. Plots to plan, and all that... Ylva has volunteered her services as Team Mascot, just as long as she doesn't have to wear a collar or a harness of any form. You try yo slap one on her at your own risk, just let that be said.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Team Mascot? Heck, she's our lead torture specialist.

"So you won't talk, eh? Summon Ylva."

::Ylva walks into the room and starts walking over the restrained prisoner, claws and sheer weight::

"GAH! I'll talk! I'll Talk!"

"Excellent work, Specialist Ylva. Extra catnip and kitty toys will be awaiting your pleasure in the usual places."

9:10 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

She's nodding! She's perched on the backrest of my chair watching the screen intently. We have an accord, she'll do it! She can hardly wait to show off them little sabers she calls claws.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Lovely,one more department position filled. Excellent.

9:22 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

::Crosses out Chief Torturer on the list::

Check! Hmmm, how to employ Georgia? I'm not sure if she's quite as sadistic as Ylva...

9:24 PM  

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