Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sweet Relief!

Seriously, it's a relief - and it's sweet!

Got our tax returns this week, well, mine arrived today. Last year hurt like a bitch, wound up owing back taxes for the first time in my life. I've always gotten refunds, what gave? The arm thing, that's what did it. So I wasn't very optimistic about this years returns. I even debated with myself whether or not to open that damned envelope. 'I'll just take it over to my mom, let her open it and break it to me gently!' Then thinking better of it, 'Nah, she'd never let me live it down. Take your damn medicine and open the thing!' Obedient as always, I did what I was told and opened it... Jackpot! I'm getting a refund!!! ::Does a happy dance::

I've been carrying a giant knot in my stomach, waiting for the tax returns - convinced I was going to end up owing back taxes again. I felt the knot loosen up as I was calling my mom to give her the good news. I was wiped by the whole thing. Maybe tonight, I won't be plagued with heartburn, as I have been every night since last Thursday, when they started sending these things out...

Yesterday, Kiri posted a message of concern, I'd been quiet again, no bugging her on Monday. Well, I was watching the Triple H - King Of Kings DVD, and completely forgot to turn off my IM's invisibility setting. Dang! Off it came and I gave her a holler. Turned out she'd gotten a little too much work done, and wasn't having any of it!

Wrestling, you say? Yeah, I'm a bit of a fangirl at times. My inner geek comes out to play watching the action. Of course, my inner geek comes out to play a lot at times. Movies, comics, TV shows I can't do without... and wrestling!

Work has been good, my arm is getting a little better, I think. Could be because my two main areas have been fairly quiet, so I've been on the phone a little more. I like being on the phone at times, especially when I can actually provide assistance and take care of a problem for a customer. I hate getting yelled at for no reason other than being the poor sap that got the caller, but I'm no different than anyone else on my team, in that respect. Good thing for me, I don't take crap, and I let them know; 'Wanna yell, fine! It's not gonna get your problem fixed. Wanna get the problem fixed? Fine, shut up and let me ask the questions!'

Fortunately, on business solutions, we have very few screamers calling in. Though, we have noticed that there are a lot of people so stupid, they shouldn't be allowed to own a freaking business, least of all a cellphone or a computer!

My hellweek, week after Easter gave some interesting feedback from my team leader. She'd been getting feedback from the other team leaders about me, as they had gotten it from just about everyone that had been at my desk asking questions about this and that. Turns out, I'm just so cheerful and nice all the time, they had to tell their team leaders, who in turn told my team leader when she got back from her Caribbean cruise. And here I was worried I had been bordering on crabby from the giant workload I had to take care of alone. It was, it seems, all in my head. Good, I hate being crabby when people ask how to do something correctly. I'd rather tell them how to do something right when they ask, than having to fix the mess after they bungled it because they didn't ask in the first place. So, I did manage to be nice and friendly at all times - Yay me!

Well, I'm gonna bask in the glow of getting a tax refund and go bug Kiri now... Later!

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Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Sweet, I'm such a procrastinator about my taxes. I have to do them this weekend and send them in. I figure that I'll be paying back-taxes even though I try to have them take a little extra out rather than get zapped at the end of the year.

Great news on the refund! Great review for work! See if they can get a hard copy of that into your employee file, might help come raise time.

I try to be friendly too at the office. As you said, easier to help them the first time than to fix a f*ck up later. :-)

8:31 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Raise time? We don't have individual raise negotiations. They're centralized through the unions. Ours is done, and as far as I understand, we did get a collective raise. Good job on our union reps parts.

Feedback like this finds its way into your file, at work, so that a reference is needed, they can add it.

Yeah, I'm still on a high from the refund. Unlike you Americans, we get deducted every month from our paychecks for taxes. It's easier that way. Our version of the IRS gets all the info they need from your employer and from banks etc. This year (a new arrangement), we don't even have to send them in. They are sent out all done, and you just need to go through them and make sure it's all in order according to your own papers. I only have to send it in if I need to make some amends to it.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Nice but I don't trust the paper-pushers and key-strokers over here to get it right. ::rolls eyes:: For pete's sake, we can't even get an accurate count for elections ballots that we knew were coming and needed to be tallied.

I mean... the New Orleans' levees, the botched election tallies and the constant lowering of our expectations of the next generation is terrifying!!!!

I want our kids going to school more hours, not fewer. I want them going six days, not five. (Okay, 5.5 days is preferrable.) And the school year should be longer. Teach them, don't coddle them! Don't lower the expectations, raise them! If the child can't make the minimum required grade, get them extra help.

Geez, what are we trying to do? Aigh!

9:02 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Well, they don't expect us to trust blindly, that's why we get the forms so we can check ourselves. What's new is that we don't have to submit them unless we find errors we have to correct. I'm liking this version. The old one stunk to high heaven, when we had to fill them in form scratch ourselves. Thankfully, I have a friend that likes to do them, she hates the new version. She'd do her own, mine and my moms, just for kicks!

9:13 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Gack! I mean, I like accounting but seriously???? Basic balancing of a check book, helping out in Accounting... that's enough. Taxes? Shoot me!

Use more drugs! I'm still coherent!

9:30 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

I kid you not!

'Done your taxes yet?'
'Gaah, nope! Still hoping they'll magically go away.'
'Bring them to me, and grab your mom's too unless she's done them.'
'I know, now go get them!'

9:34 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

LOL - my friend Maria offered to introduce me to her accountant. Saved her about 3000 euros last year. Me?

I don't need an accountant more than once a year for taxes. And I can usually do them myself anyway.

Oh well...

9:50 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Sorry about the slow posting, but I'm nibbling on a trail mix and trying to avoid the chocolate chips in it. I just want the other goodies in it. Every once in awhile, a chip slips past my inspection. Blammo.

Ugh... I don't like chocolate and mango in the same bite. Yuck.

9:51 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Oh the horrors, the agony... Stop buying them then! Buy a mango for mango nibbling and a chocolate for chocolate goodness, easy as pie! Uh oh... I said pie...

::Ducks head and covers ears::

10:23 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

It was a first time buy. I didn't see that it had chocolate in it. Bleck! I like my trail mix free of chocolate.

Actually, I put it away and grabbed my crackers out. Salty. They have spice and cheese grated onto them, dried. They're yummy.

I have cheese in the office refrigerator, fresh even. But after nibbling on the sweeties Erica (the leaving intern) made, eating my leftover spaghetti for lunch, and nibbling on a tiny bit of trail mix. I'm hoping the I don't need to break into the cheese.

LOL - Someone came over asking for my staple remover, I opened the desk drawer to get it and they saw 'the larder' and started giggling.

"Crackers, three types, dried soup mix, instant oatmeal, several packs of sugar-free gum, a can of spaghetti-ohs, beef jerky, trail mix, and some other stuff. GOod god, what do you think is gonna happen?"

"I get hungry and go cannible because I don't have munchies?"

She laughed. Good, because I don't know what spicing to use on 'long pork'.

10:38 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

LMAO! Well, at least you won't starve!

10:49 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Nah, there's a guy near me who has his own stash. Mostly candy and chips. I NEVER touch it on principle. But the same girl who teased me, eagerly chats him up to snack from the stash.

Why's it ok for him but mine is 'crazy'? What? A double-standard? Nah, not in America.

11:49 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

I think your stash is the better one, at least it's food and not junk!

She'll reconsider the validity of your stash when his stash has helped her gain 20 lbs or so, you just wait!

6:39 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Well, in his defense, his is mostly left-overs from meetings and gifts that he just chucks in there until he gets munchie. I actively add to mine after a major munchie attack.

Her? Gain weight? It'd all go to her breasts and ass, she'd only be a little pissed.

5:39 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

LOL. There's that...

8:28 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Tell me about it. Erica made cookies and brownies yesterday... I gained weight THINKING about eating one. Little Miss Thing ate four cookies without feeling guilty.

8:42 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

I refuse to feel guilty. If I crave it, I'll have it. Thankfully, I don't crave sweets all that often.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

I do. I could have had a yogurt. I could have had a glass of ice water or tea (with fake sweetener). No, I had to eat the whole tray of cookies.


Actually, the whole office barely managed to polish off all the stuff she brought in. ::turns a little green:: Oh, those brownies were fudgy. Urp! 'cuse me.

9:22 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Sure, you're scuzed.

I have been craving cheesecake for a few weeks, though. Been managing to hold off on it, so far. Almost caved today, but managed to get a firm grip on myself, and walked out of the store without stopping at the bakers...

9:26 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

I'm lucky. There is a bakery near home that sells cheesecake by the slice. The good thick creamy kind. They'll even add a topping for a buck more. Strawberry, blueberry, apple, lemon or fudge.

::manages not to drool::

Great, now I need to stop there on the way home.

10:38 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

The baker in question is five to ten minutes from me, walking distance and time. It'd be a two to three minute drive if I was super lazy or stocking up on kitty litter (three for the price of two) and kitty kibble, seeing as it comes in huge bag 'bout 8-9 lbs. Heh, back to the baker... they sell all their cakes by slice, as well as whole slabs. But they take the finished product and slice it up, already with topping...

6:21 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Ok, I'll need to stop by the baker tonight now. ::stuffs rag in her mouth to pre-attack the drooling::

6:51 PM  

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