Monday, May 12, 2008

Aah, I so love a Monday off...

A day off is always welcome, especially when it's a paid day off! Today is the second day of Lent. In Norway, that translates into a 'Red Day'. Red days on our calendar means a day off... With pay, as long as it's not a Sunday or a Saturday that went Red for some reason like Christmas Day or some such. If it's a weekday marked red, I get paid to park my ass at home!

My sister and I have been busy over at Windows Live Spaces for the last couple of days, she's building and cussing like a drunken sailor, and I try to help as best I can. It's really not helping matters that their galleries are down for maintenance at all hours, or that the Horoscope service she wants doesn't wanna hang out on her page. I've had it from the get-go, she wants it, we have trouble!

This weekend has been very hot and sunny. Summer temperatures all last week, today it's still sunny, but with a cold wind. I hope it lets off soon, so that I can keep the veranda door open and The Empress on a leash. Not that it isn't more trouble than it's worth, what with her getting herself tangled up in knots all the time!

Just a quick little update today, as my sister is still toiling over at her page with that darn horoscope service that won't!

I'm happily playing around on my space, creating music- and book lists, and blogging in Norwegian for a change. I'll be over there most of today too, I think...

Kiri, you need to get Messenger Live, and a space to play with. It's fun!

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Blogger Raina Nathair said...

I sometimes don't have time to blog here. Why do I need another bloggy place? And... oh, ok. At some point, I'll check it out. But today I am a little busy.

Read as swamped.

5:05 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

I get that. I sent you an invite to the MacKay addy, though... Even made a note next to the icon with no name on my page, seeing as you're invited but have no space yet...

5:08 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Lovely. I have used MacKay in so long. It's deactivated.

5:26 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Isn't it possible to reactivate?

If not, I s'pose your Raina Nathair addy is dead too...?

Come on, woman, fink of sumptin'!

5:38 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Mail the invite to my non-work account?

5:44 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

I did, it went off to LunaPirate!

6:52 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Well, I'm signed up... but I have no time to set it up. LOL

7:09 PM  

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